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Celebrating 100 Days!

100 days of learning; 100 days of friendship and fun – how could the year be going by so fast?!



Kindergarten in D200 is a full-day program. To be eligible to attend kindergarten, children must be 5 years old on or before Sept. 1st of the year they begin.

Learn More

Kindergarten students reading with teacher


D200 offers tuition-based, dual language, grant-funded, and special education PreK programs. Both morning and afternoon sessions are available.

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PreK students painting

Celebrate Families - Birth to 3 Program

Free to D200 families, this program (housed at Greenwood) offers support to families with children from birth to age 3, including screenings, playgroups, a teen parent program, and more.

Learn More

Birth-3 students at play table

Upcoming Events

News & Announcements

Photo of Jill Walsh

District 200 will offer a parent speaker event on Feb. 19 featuring a Boston University professor and author who will provide guidance on helping children move safely through the digital landscape. Dr. Jill Walsh’s presentation: Strategies to Help Children Navigate Digital Technology will be held at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 19 in the Woodstock High School auditorium.

Read More about Parent Speaker Event Feb. 19: Strategies to Help Children Navigate Digital Technology

We are committed to providing a comprehensive foundation for all students and we regard the success
of every student as our collective responsibility.


Students will acquire the skills and knowledge for personal success in life, college, and/or career.

We will…

  • Provide a safe learning environment
  • Develop positive relationships with all members of the school community
  • Collaborate to ensure all learningexperiences are purposeful
  • Embrace diversity