Welcome to Kindergarten
Kindergarten in District 200 is a full-day program, held at the Verda Dierzen Early Learning Center (VDELC), 2045 N. Seminary Avenue. Children from throughout the district attend Kindergarten at VDELC before moving on to their neighborhood schools for grades 1-5.
To be eligible to attend Kindergarten during the 2025-26 school year, children must be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2025. *
Please see information below for details about Kindergarten registration. Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns at 815-338-8883, or email Principal Tricia Bogott.
* If your family is relocating to Woodstock and you are interested in registering for the remainder of the 2024-25 school year, please call us at 815-338-8883.
K Registration Requirements
Please Note
Registration for the 2025-26 school year has not yet opened. We anticipate that our electronic system will open for 2025-26 registration during the first full week of March. We will post details here as soon as that registration begins. Please do NOT attempt to register using the currently posted links prior to the 25-26 opening date.
2025-26 Kindergarten Registration
- State law requires an original or certified copy of a birth certificate at the time of registration; your child will not be registered without one. Hospital certificates are not acceptable.
- Proof of residency within D200 boundaries is required (driver’s license, utility bill, apartment lease, home ownership title or deed or automobile insurance).
- Health requirements include current physical, vision and dental exams, prior to admission.
- Registration fee of $154.
Contact us at 815-338-8883 with any additional questions or concerns.
Verda Dierzen Early Learning Center will begin accepting registration materials for students new to D200 and/or for those who are interested in the Dual Language program on March 6 from 4:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m.
Download and/or print this information Información en español
Informational Meetings for Parents - March 6, 2025
Informational meetings for parents interested in Kindergarten for the 2025-26 school year will be held on Thursday, March 6. There will be both onsite and virtual opportunities.
Onsite Informational Meeting and Dual Language Meeting in both Spanish and English
- There is an onsite general information meeting for all Kindergarten parents on Thursday, March 6 at 4:00 p.m.
- For parents interested in the Dual Language Program the Mandatory Dual Language meeting will be held immediately following the general information meeting for Kindergarten parents on March 6.
- As a reminder, If you have a current student in the Dual Language program you DO NOT need to attend the mandatory meeting.
- Staff will be on site to assist with required registration paperwork and to provide support with online registration.
Virtual Informational Meetings in both Spanish and English
- There is a virtual general information meeting for all Kindergarten parents on Thursday, March 6 at 5:00 p.m.
- For parents interested in the Dual Language Program the virtual Mandatory Dual Language meeting will be held immediately following the general information meeting for Kindergarten parents.
- If you have a current student in the Dual Language program you DO NOT need to attend the mandatory meeting.
- To attend the virtual parent meetings, please use the Google Meet links below.
March 6 Meeting Link
Or join by phone:
(US) +1 260-333-9894 (PIN: 331 460 836#)
Enlace de la reunión - Español
o Únase por teléfono:
(US) +1 470-210-0164 (PIN: 821 743 855#)
Health Requirements
Per Board of Education Policy 7:100, all students must meet the health requirements as outlined by the Illinois Department of Public Health. All requirements must be in place before school entry.
Kindergarten Health Requirements for School Entry 2025-26 Requisitos de Salud para entrar al Kínder 2025-26
The physical examination form (Certificate of Child Health), dental exam form, and eye exam form can all be found in the Health Services webpage. Use the link below and see the tab labeled “Forms.”
We recommend that parents become acquainted with the Health Services page, where they can find all required health forms (physical, dental, eye exam) as well as information about wellness, childhood illnesses, provider resources, and more.
Please contact the Verda Dierzen School Nurse with questions concerning PreK entrance requirements.
Mrs. Anaida Hare
Phone: 815-206-7912
Fax: 815-206-7914
Early Entrance Into Kindergarten
Parents who are considering having their child assessed for early admittance into District 200's Kindergarten program should review the following information. The initial screening takes place in May each year. Please note the screening date, application deadline, and documents required.
Required Forms due by: May 1, 2025- Birth Certificate
- Proof of Residency
- ASQ-3
- ASQ:SE-2
- Early Entrance Parent Questionnaire
- Early Entrance Teacher Questionnaire
- Official school record of attendance (preschool or kindergarten)
Submit all forms to:
Verda Dierzen Early Learning Center - Early Entrance Kindergarten
2045 N. Seminary Ave.
Woodstock, Illinois 60098
OR email them to
Forms will not be accepted after May 1, 2025. After all forms are submitted, a confirmation phone call and/or email will be sent to parents to set up a time for students to be screened.
Kindergarten Early Entrance Screening Date: May 14, 2025
Assessments Utilized for Screening: Fine motor assessment, social and emotional screener; FastBridge Reading achievement/Fountas & Pinnell level; and FastBridge Math achievement.
Parents are welcome to wait in a conference room area while their child is being screened. The screening will take approximately 1 hour.
Students must meet the early entrance benchmarks of 90th percentile and above. Based upon this data, parents will be called or a letter will be mailed home.
Registration Links
Please Note
- The links below pertain to the current (2024-25) school year.
- Registration for 2025-26 is NOT open. We anticipate that our electronic system will open for 2025-26 registration during the first full week of March.
- Notice will be posted here as soon as 2025-26 registration is available. Thank you for your patience.
Kindergarten Families with children currently attending District 200
- Families who have children currently in the district, who also have a new Kindergarten student entering the district for the first time in 2024-25, will be able to register their current child(ren) and then add their new K student to their profile, and register that student as well.
- Families with children currently attending D200 will register via their Parent Portal.
- Click here to access portal log-in
- If you are a current D200 family, but have questions about your Parent Portal account, please visit the Parent Portal page and follow the instructions, or contact us for assistance.
D200 PowerSchool Parent Portal
- Please note, this online link is for Kindergarten registration only. ALL families interested in PreK registration must contact Verda Dierzen ELC directly at 815.338.8883 for the PreK screening and registration process. Thank you.
Kindergarten Families registering in District 200 for the first time
- Families who are new to District 200 (i.e., who have never previously registered a student in this district) will use the link below.
- Please note, this online link is for Kindergarten registration only.
- ALL families interested in PreK registration must contact Verda Dierzen ELC directly at 815.338.8883 for the PreK screening and registration process.
New Student Registration
Registro de nuevos estudiantes
- After new registrants have completed the basic registration information, further information is required for all new students (e.g., birth certificate, proof of residence, etc.) Please see the information in the section above about how to drop off paperwork at Verda Dierzen; or contact us at 815.338.8883, or via email ( with any questions.